The art of trespassing
Uninvitedly exploring new territories
Hester van Dijk and Reinder Bakker, the designers of Overtreders W, are the mavericks of the Dutch architecture scene. From this position, we can change the system by looking at it from a fresh perspective. For Overtreders W, the fact that we do things in the way they have always been done is not a reason to continue on a well-trodden path. The best ideas may occur when strolling through unknown terrain. The many architecture awards we have been nominated for (some of them we even won) show the appreciation of our unconventional and fundamental approach.
To design is a way to appropriate new worlds. Because of the projects we do, we become acquainted with territories that were previously unknown to us. Astonishment about the origin, value and future of resources, building materials and waste - 3 material phases that actually shouldn't differ - is what drives us to explore those worlds.
We make our best work when clients give us trust. Trust creates space for exploring boundaries and possibilities, for imagining what hasn't been thought up before. We live up to that trust: we master the craft of spatial design. Needless to say, routing, atmosphere, colour and feasibility are the ingredients of our designs. Because of our experience with temporary projects, we are super tight with deadlines: if a building that is to exist for just 9 days, it is unforgivable to postpone the delivery even with just one day.
Overtreders W is a small studio with a large network, which enables us to only do the really interesting projects, and assemble the best team for every project that we work on. We like to work for clients with a shared ambition to make the world better, more beautiful and more sustainable. We make the designs, for a successful implementation we work with the specialists from our network - from builders to image-makers, from constructors to curators.