pretty plastic plant
Plastic recycling factory
Since 2015 we have been developing cladding of recycled plastic with bureau SLA. We started by building our own small scale plastic recycling factory, turning household waste into shingles. With our mobile machines, we could sort the plastic by sort and by colour, wash it shred it, and injection mould it to produce new shingles. We gave shampoo bottles, yoghurt containers, olive jars, bottle caps, discarded garden chairs, and leftovers from a plastic factory a second - and more beautiful - life. Because we sorted everything by colour first, we created a much more beautiful appearance to recycled plastics than the dull grey look it is known for.
In 2017 we got the chance to scale up our production. A first batch of the new shingles was produced by recycler Govaplast to form the cladding of the People's Pavilion in Eindhoven.
In 2020, Pretty Plastic became an independent ltd, producing high-end building products out of plastic waste at a large scale. In this way, we hope to extract as much plastic waste from landfills as possible.

in cooperation with:
machines built by:
units built by:
many thanks to:
bureau SLA
2015 - 2020
Daan in 't Sas
Ham, Post en Van Huystee
Jorn van Eck
Dutch Design Foundation,
Hogeschool van Amsterdam,
CITIES, Gemeente Amsterdam & Govaplast