people's pavilion
100% borrowed building as meeting space during Dutch Design Week 2017
The pavilion is an architectural statement of the new circular economy. Overtreders W and bureau SLA have accomplished this with a radical new approach: all of the materials needed to make the 250m2 building are borrowed. Not only materials from traditional suppliers and producers, but also from Eindhoven residents themselves. The People’s Pavilion shows a new future for sustainable building architecture: a powerful design language with new collaborations and intelligent construction methods.
Concrete and wooden beams, facade elements, glass roof, recycled plastic cladding: everything is borrowed for 9 days and will be returned to the owners after the DDW. All materials will remain unharmed. There are no screws, glue, drills, or saws on the construction site. To make that happen, we invented a whole new construction method: all materials were strapped together.
The cladding of the pavilion consisted of shingles we produced from plastic waste from Eindhovenaren that was carefully sorted by type and colour. As such, these shingles were an important step in the development of our Pretty Plastic cladding material.

bureau SLA
Dutch Design Foundation
Ketelhuisplein, Eindhoven
Ham & Sybesma
Jeroen van der Wielen & Filip Dujardin
New Horizon, IJB groep, Stiho groep,
Govaplast, Tetris, Elektroned, DEGO,
Morssinkhof, Vitra & Keizersgrachtkerk
in cooperation with:
structural engineers:
built by:
many thanks to:
winner Dutch Design Award 2018
winner Frame Award Sustainability 2018
winner Arc ‘18 Innovatie Award 2018
nominated for New Material Award 2018