maak stad almere
The planned, the lived, and the dreamed city
In 2022, exactly 50 years ago the Rijksdienst voor de IJsselmeerpolders started planning a new city in Southern Flevoland. The town would grow into Almere. This anniversary prompted the Polderblik Foundation to look back and forward with Almeerders in the Maak Stad Almere exhibition.
How is Almere doing? What do we think of Almere as a city to live in? What are the qualities of Almere? Which values are under pressure as a result of growth? What should get more attention? The exhibition shows the development of Almere on the basis of the planned, the lived, and the dreamed city.
We made the exhibition of old sheet piling profiles, a very common material, but very characteristic of Almere industrial estate architecture. Petra Warrink made the graphic design for the exhibition, inspired by the hatching of the original planning maps from the 1970s.

Stichting Polderblik
De Kunstlinie, Almere
Linda Vlassenrood
Petra Warrink
Anything is Possible
Jorn van Eck
Jord den Hollander
Soraya Pol
Almere 2.0
BPD Cultuurfonds
Provincie Flevoland
Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie
Van Eesteren-Fluck & Van Lohuizen Stichting
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Flevoland
Erfgoedhuis Almere
Metafoor Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling
Woningbouwatelier Almere
graphic design:
built by:
films in exhibition:
with the generous support of: